Tag Realhmt

Flawed brain.

The brain is trying to understand statistics.

Statistics of the world, the environment, and statistics of yourself. They are fundamental operations that happen below the cortical layer.

The brain simplifies. The brain interprets. The brain draws conclusions. The brain fills gaps. The brain is flawed.

Well, it is a wonderful machine. The most amazing machine we have knowledge of, but jt is working like that despite yourself.

Would you trust your whole life to a person that gives you an oversimplified, often wrong, depiction of the whatever information you requested from her? Of course you wouldn’t.

Own 4 successful businesses

In order to have a truly diversified income, you should have at least 4 different sources of it. The best way to maintain those 4 is to place them in different industries so they may be countercyclical in their revenues.

So let’s do the math…

90% of the businesses die before 5 years. So, if you want 1 successful business according to the numbers you will have to try at least 10 times, fail 9 and voilá, you have your 1st successful business.

Then, let’s assume you have more resources and knowledge. This helps you a little and the odds at failing diminish to 80%. Then you would have to try another 9 times in order to succeed in your second business.

The next round comes with a 70% and the 4th with a 60% success rate.

Now you would have tried 9+8+7+6=30 times.

Now let’s have a look at our reality. Do you have financial freedom? Are your monetary reserves increasing or decreasing? How many times have you tried so far? Did you think that you found that winner idea and you tried only that one time, it didn’t work, you felt sorry for yourself and started cursing the world for the misfortune?

I guess it’s time to start really putting into the game all that it takes, which incidentally, odds are, will be everything you’ve got.

Most of the time

We buy things that help us develop the story about ourselves.

They are statements both for others and ourselves. Statements on where and who we are. Where we want to be or who we want to become. And also, where we come from.

So as long as your product helps somebody reinforce their own story you have a market.

Be insightful in searching those stories that lead to amazing beautiful niches.

What have you done with what you’ve learned?

It has been sometime now. You are interested in a variety of topics. You devour articles, opinions, books, you name it. And you have a million thoughts about all of the topics you have decided to follow.

That is beautiful, you are being transformed. You are growing. And a growing human being is a force of nature waiting to be unleashed.

But the force is never released. You are restraining yourself for some reason. You may feel the urge to create but the inertia of absorbing information is just huge.

All that info. All those thoughts and ideas. They will go and vanish if you don’t set them in motion. If you don’t do something with all those things you’ve learned it will be a shame. A sad moment for all of humanity.

The atom at the end of the rainbow

When there is a highly atomized market, with high switching costs for the costumers, with no clear distinction if it is a commodity or not, and with complacency from those who offer the product or service, then you may enter and design a platform to provide a cheaper, more convenient, product or service with a higher value.

Each industry will define what value proposition would work best. There your powers of analysis and imagination will determine if you have a shot at changing the industry’s rules.

Create purpose

It is so common to hear you should go and find your purpose, so your life will have meaning. Of course a life with meaning will be so much more rich, happy and fulfilling.

It is as easy to understand as 1 + 1.

However, what is not so easy to grasp, and the thing no so many people talk about about this topic is that instead of going out there like a romantic lunatic, there is a more empowering, beautiful and magical choice.

Instead of searching, just fucking CREATE the purpose you need in your life.

Becoming the board

In “the art of possibility”, the authors propose a rather clever way of regaining control of yourself, in the event you experienced something that had wronged you in some way.

They say you ought to define yourself as the board in which the whole game of your life is developing. This way you include in it, any possibility and outcome within your control.

Let’s take it to a consulting exchange where one your clients has repeatedly ignored your advice.

Then you graciously proceed, ever so serious, to the blaming spree. You rethink and rethink the situation in your mind. You look for weaknesses in the project, the deliverables and the team. Of course it is flawless. Then you turn to analyze the client and find a few pieces of the puzzle: they are immersed in the day to day; they lack strategic mind; they just don’t get it, etc.

How unfortunate to have this kind of clients. You feel angry, frustrated and, maybe even desperate.

The perception of dependency kicks hard and you decide they are to blame because they should know better, they should listen to yu, they should understand, they should, they should…they should. And then you have stripped yourself of any power or control on the situation. Everything is up to them.

but then you remember this exercise and ask yourself the question: What framework have I allowed to arise in which they are not excited about my solution, they are not swayed, they are not inspired?

And then it’s super easy to recognize the flaws in your solution, or method, o customer experience, or perspective or whatever, and it becomes obvious you should go apologize to your client for not being able to transmit all the magic, passion and results your solution would bring if only you would have been capable of communicating it.

I see only one peril here: being too hard on yourself and going to a place where you won’t believe in yourself anymore. Please, please don’t go there.

Of course there is this really well known practice of self forgiveness where you write your own mistakes in a piece of paper and then burn it. You might want to do it, but then you must go inwards again.

How deep would you dive?

Assume for a moment you have found your true passion, your dream.

That, in itself, is a one in a million achievement, however, you are sure of it like the sun rises every morning.

What are the odds of succeeding at it? Chances are your dream won’t make it. 1 out of 10 companies survive its first 5 years. So, with that in mind, what would you do to pursue that superb goal of yours?

To be able to come up with a decent plan you would have to analyze what is the best way to tackle this challenge.

And by analyzing I mean you should become obsessed with the problem your solving.

You will become your target audience and learn their likes, dislikes and dreams.

You will think nothing else but how to do it better and better and better. After all, it is your dream we are talking about, right?

You must dive into it deeper than ever you’ve gone before. It only makes sense. You must, or else, your dream doesn’t really matter that much, does it?

Missing the point

“All you need in a contractual relationship is promises and consideration,” Zavareei told MarketWatch in an article about the increasing number of class actions lawsuits from students to their colleges.

Due to covid-19 schools have been ordered to close premises but also to keep “schooling” at a distance.

If they think that just by sticking to the argument that “we only provide education” will get them off the hook, then they are missing the point completely.

First just take a look at some of their sites and advertising. You will find there promises of certain performance once you’ve finished school in the sense of getting a job or funding startups, things we all now, they won’t deliver on their promise.

And for basic schooling, primary, secondary and high schools, if they think their only responsibility is to transfer hard knowledge, then they are blind to the fact that families (parents and students) are solving with schools so much more issues than just learning 1+1.

Zoom classes won’t do the trick. Families will migrate to better solutions. In what shape will these new solutions come?

Islands of reality

It seems as if people are living in islands with small groups of people. Most of the time, these islands never touch another island, but sometimes the islands are overlapping with other islands.

There’s the island of poverty versus the island of ostentation. The island of power versus the island of powerless automats. The island of scarcity versus the island of abundance.

There’s an island dichotomy that has caught my eye lately. This dichotomy seems to define on what other dichotomy you will be allowed to enter, or inflict yourself upon: the island of desperation and hopelessness where there is nothing you can do and the island of everything is in your hands to achieve.

I believe, as of now, I have no concluding evidence that I might be living in or the other, so, it comes to ME TO DECIDE on which of these island is my reality developing.

That being said, we all have the ability to place ourselves into the series of islands we choose to be but this pair is the mandatory first choice (and perhaps the most important) we will ever make to construct our own reality.